Sometimes the best way to learn to do something is to learn how NOT to do something.
Oh the memories the Senior generation in our country has of learning to drive a stick-shift vehicle. I can remember beads of sweat breaking out when learning to drive with my father by my side. There are memories of fear, frustration and finally accomplishment.
My father might have said, or occasionally yelled, things like, "Don't let your foot off the clutch too fast " When I did let off the clutch too fast, the car would buck forward. Learning to hold the gas pedal and brake pedal just right was a balancing act on an incline especially when a vehicle pulled up behind me waiting for the same light to turn green. "Don't roll back into the car behind you." Like I wanted to roll back into the car behind me. Duh! But the day finally came when I was turned loose to drive on my own and the sense of freedom that provided made all the "Don'ts" worthwhile.
Turn the "don'ts" in life into "I have learned from the don'ts and will turn them into I can's."